Mali Policies Affecting Disinformation

From ADTAC Disinformation Inventory


Mali has no specific policies on disinformation.

One law which could be applied to disinformation is the Loi n° 00-046 du 07 juillet 2000 Portant régime de la presse et délit de presse, which "criminalises the dissemination of news that is false or falsely attributed to third parties when it is done in bad faith and disturbs the public peace".[1] This law is quite broad and could be used to prosecute people for spreading disinformation.

Internet Blocking and Shutdowns

Mali has had a number of incidents in which the internet has been restricted. In 2016 Facebook and Twitter were blocked.[2][3] In 2017 Facebook and Twitter were inaccessible. In 2018 in the lead up to the presidential election the government was accused of clamping down on social media and VPNs.[4][5]

Mali partially blocked social media and messaging from July 10-15 2020 amid protests calling for reforms.[6]

See more:

National Policies Affecting Disinformation