
From ADTAC Disinformation Inventory

Spamouflage is a campaign which has been extensively researched by Graphika who have published four reports on the campaign. The campaign has been active on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube with some assets dating back to 2017.[1][2]

The campaign produces and spreads videos which promote the CCP and spread anti-US content. These videos are taken from existing authentic news agencies in Hong Kong and mainland China and made to look like they are from local Hong Kong outlets. The videos are in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English (although the English is often unidiomatic and contains errors). The main narrative strands of the videos concern portraying the US and democracy in general to be chaotic, condemning billionaire Guo Wengui, portraying Chinese narratives around COVID-19 and protests in Hong Kong.[3][4]

Spamouflage generates unique content and then uses inauthentic engagement to try to promote the content. Recently they began using "personality accounts" which interact with other users and this has led to increased popularity. These accounts are sometimes hijacked from authentic users and some were entirely fabricated personalities. These accounts often had linked Youtube accounts which were designed for fans of specific influencers who promoted mainland Chinese agendas.[5][6]

Black Boxing Output
  1. Hubert, I. (2021). Spamouflage Breakout Black Boxing Session. Adtac.
  3. Hubert, I. (2021). Spamouflage Breakout Black Boxing Session. Adtac.
  5. Hubert, I. (2021). Spamouflage Breakout Black Boxing Session. Adtac.