Pro-Kremlin Anti Vaccination Campaign

From ADTAC Disinformation Inventory

The Kremlin’s concerted anti vaccination campaign entailed using mainstream media outlets as well as fringe media to cast doubt about foreign vaccines that were competing with the Russian Vaccine Sputnik V. DFRlab investigators discovered this disinformation campaign and published an article about in on January 27, 2021.

The perpetrators utilized conspiracies theories and targeted anti-vax groups in Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Serbia as well as Russian speaking communities abroad. The campaign manipulated search engine results regarding the vaccine on Kremlin media and Yandex. The group cited fake experts including the Strategic Culture Foundation a Russian think tank. They utilized numerous fake media outlets and fake profiles.[1][2]

Our Black Boxing had this completed analysis of tactics used:

From the February 5th Black Boxing session
  2. Osadchuck, R. (2021). Pro-Kremlin outlets and blogs undermining trust in foreign-made COVID vaccines. Black Boxing.